Mark Roesler is recognized worldwide as the leader in intellectual property rights management. Learning what it takes to excel in business, Mark has developed many “rules” which he believes are vital for success. Along with each rule, he provides an example of a CMG Worldwide client who illustrates it.
Be the best in Your Field
Babe Ruth
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Make this a personal goal. It should not just concern the competition; it should be about realizing your own private greatness and satisfaction.
Role Model: Babe Ruth
“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.”
Babe Ruth has not only been recognized as the best in his field, but as the best in professional athletics. In 2000, the Associated Press named this legendary ballplayer “Athlete of the Century.”
Be Competitive
Bill Elliott
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Competition can be from anyone – from fellow employees to a corporation on the other side of the globe. Strategically, technologically and mentally, always be prepared to fight for what you want. Never underestimate the competition.
Role Model: Bill Elliott
“If you can be competitive and run good, you don’t necessarily have to sit on the pole and win every race, but if you can chip away and be competitive week in and week out, that’s where I want to be. That’s a part of what this business is all about.”
Bill Elliott’s competitive spirit has led him to win the following awards: American Driver of the Year, National Motorsports Press Association Driver of the Year, Auto Racing Digest Driver of the Year, ESPN Speedweek’s Fan Poll Driver of the Decade: 1980s and NASCAR’s Most Popular Driver (15 times).
Be Patient
Marilyn Monroe
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Accept the fact that some results take time. Ultimately, your dedication and hard work will be rewarded.
Role Model: Marilyn Monroe
“I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night, ‘There must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I’m not going to worry about them. I’m dreaming the hardest.”
Raised in an orphanage, Marilyn Monroe struggled with poverty before becoming one of Hollywood’s biggest stars.
Expect Change
James Dean
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Look back five or 10 years, and use the growth that has occurred as a barometer for the future. Expect impending dramatic change. Welcome it, and be prepared for change by continuing to learn.
Role Model: James Dean
“When I was in acting school in New York, years ago, there was a saying that if Marlon Brando changed the way people acted, then James Dean changed the way people lived. He was the greatest actor who ever lived. He was simply a genius.”…Martin Sheen
An actor who was responsible for the development of a new understanding and respect for the teenage rebel.
Be Efficient
Vince Lombardi
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There is no room for inefficiency. If you are unproductive, someone else is using that time to achieve. There is always a better way. Challenge yourself to find it.
Role Model: Vince Lombardi
“It’s easy to have faith in yourself and have discipline when you’re a winner, when you’re number one. What you’ve got to have is faith and discipline when you’re not yet a winner.”
As the coach who led the Green Bay Packers to five NFL Championships and the first two Super Bowl victories, he defined efficiency.
Expand Your Horizons
Amelia Earhart
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Don’t think inside the box. Don’t let others limit you. And don’t limit yourself to less than the world.
Role Model: Amelia Earhart
“Never do things others can do and will do, if there are things others cannot do or will not do.”
Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. Her courageous, spirited life and her tragic, unsolved disappearance define her as a notable figure in the history of aviation and women’s rights.
Guard Your Reputation
Sophia Loren
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Remember, it’s a small world. Your reputation is invaluable. Sometimes it’s the only thing separating you from the competition.
Role Model: Sophia Loren
“If you are a professional actor who has pride in his work, then the judgment of your peers should be important to you. I treasure each and every award I have ever received-and my Oscar is in a place of honor.”
The only female performer to win an Oscar for a foreign film, Sophia Loren has been highly regarded throughout her career.
Anticipate Ups and Downs
Jesse Owens
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There are ups and downs in the business world, and you have to weather them. If you allow yourself to get discouraged, you will lose.
Role Model: Jesse Owens
“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.”
Overcame poverty and racism to break three world records and win four Gold Medals at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
Make A Difference
Jackie Robinson
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There is always room for someone who is talented. Come into an organization and promise to make it better.
Role Model: Jackie Robinson
“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”
Jackie Robinson was the first African-American player in Major League Baseball. His enormous talent helped lead the Brooklyn Dodgers to six pennants and one World Series Championship.
Give Back To Your Community
Princess Diana
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Strive to improve the lives of others in your community. Everyone reaps the benefits of a better society.
Role Model: Princess Diana
“Everyone needs to be valued. Everyone has the potential to give something back.” Diana, Princess of Wales
Princess Diana’s charitable work in Third World countries improved the overall quality of life for countless others.
Be Confident In Thinking Quickly
Jack Dempsey
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Trust your gut instinct… it’s usually right. The ability to think on your feet and make good decisions is an extremely valuable trait.
Role Model: Jack Dempsey
“All the time he’s boxing, he’s thinking. All the time he was thinking, I was hitting him.”
With his quick thinking, amazing speed, graceful agility and pure power, Jack Dempsey has become one of history’s most celebrated boxers.
Know Where You Are Going
Ella Fitzgerald
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Set goals. A goal is the road map to your future. A clear direction and solid aspirations will help on the right path to achieving personal and professional success.
Role Model: Ella Fitzgerald
“It isn’t where you came from; it’s where you’re going that counts.”
The “First Lady of Song” had a clear vision of where she wanted to go in life. Her drive and determination helped Ella win 13 Grammy awards, sell over 40 million albums and become one of the most celebrated female artists in jazz.
Understand The Big Picture
Arthur Ashe
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When you understand the big picture in life, the details become much clearer. A successful individual works to understand the big picture and learn not to sweat the small things in life.
Role Model: Arthur Ashe
“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.”
Arthur Ashe had a lot to overcome in his life but he always looked at the bigger picture. Ashe won three Grand Slam singles titles and had over 800 career victories. Eventually, Ashe became the first African American tennis player to be ranked #1 in the world.
Don't Overreact
Lou Gehrig
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The ability to keep calm, cool and collect under pressure is a rare and highly sought after quality. Take things in stride and keep your eye on the prize.
Role Model: Lou Gehrig
“The ballplayer who loses his head, who can’t keep his cool, is worse than no ballplayer at all.”
Of all the players in baseball history, none possessed as much talent and humility as Lou Gehrig. He was able to keep his cool when problems arose. His accomplishments on the field made him an authentic American hero, and his tragic early death made him a legend.
Use Time As A Valuable Tool
Mark Twain
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Time is what we make of it. The ability to use time intelligently may be one of the most important factors in achieving success.
Role Model: Mark Twain
“Time cools, time clarifies; no mood can be maintained quite unaltered through the course of hours.”
Mark Twain wrote 28 books and numerous short stories, letters and sketches in his lifetime. Through his effective use of time management, Twain was able to produce quality works and rise to become one of the most celebrated authors in American history.
Have A Vision, Be Demanding
Bette Davis
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Envision your goals and aspirations… then go for it head on! Don’t let anything or anyone stand in the way of your success.
Role Model: Bette Davis
“I will never be below the title.”
Bette Davis was a liberated woman in an industry dominated by men. Independent off-screen as well, her battles with studio bigwigs were legendary… she demanded respect. Bette proved her power when, in 1935, she became the first Warner Brothers actress to win the Best Actress Oscar for her role in “Dangerous.”
It Can Be Done
General George S. Patton Jr.
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Pure will can make the impossible achievable. Set your mind to victory and anything is possible.
Role Model: General George S. Patton Jr.
“You’re never beaten until you admit it.”
Remembered for his fierce determination and ability to lead soldiers, Patton is considered one of the greatest military figures in history. He continually strove to train his troops to the highest standard of excellence, proving that even while staring the enemy directly in the eyes, you can do anything you put your mind to… it can be done!
Be Innovative
Raymond Loewy
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Innovation is about discovering the unknown and unconsidered. Strive for new ideas and continually think “outside the box” and distinguish your unique attributes in order to generate new and creative ideas.
Role Model: Raymond Loewy
“It all must start with an inspired, spontaneous idea.”
After a brief but promising career as a fashion illustrator, Raymond Loewy dedicated his talent to the field of industrial design. He literally revolutionized industrial, working as a consultant for more than 200 companies and creating product designs for everything from cigarette packs and refrigerators, to cars and spacecrafts.
Find A Niche
Peter Sellers
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Making your specialties unique can prove an invaluable business trait when you differentiate yourself from your competition in a creative way. Find something you are good at and become the best in your field, thus capitalizing on your specialized knowledge.
Role Model: Peter Sellers
“I am the classic example of all humorists – only funny when I’m working.”
Sellers was a master impressionist who found his niche in the comedy world. The incredibly versatile Sellers could slip in and out of characters with surprising speed. This versitility, in combination with his ability to make others laugh, helped distinguished him from all other actors…and it paid off classically.
Always, Better Your Best
Jascha Heifetz
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Continually aim to improve your work, because no matter how hard you’ve tried, you can always do better. There is no such thing as failure except in giving up and settling for less than you know you are capable of.
Role Model: Jascha Heifetz
“There is no top. There are always further heights to reach.”
Heifetz was awarded many honors in his lifetime for his hard work and talent. He received countless Grammy Awards, including the elusive Lifetime Achievement Award in 1989, and was posthumously inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1999.
Develop High Expectations
Florence Griffith Joyner
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Set high expectations for yourself and convert every challenge into an opportunity for success. Always expect great things and get great results in all you do.
Role Model: Florence Griffith Joyner
“Your dreams deserve a try… the sky is the limit.”
Flo Jo elevated women’s track to a higher level as she broke world records in the 100 and 200-meter events. This feat earned her the title “World’s Fastest Woman.” Flo Jo was a true role model. The excellence she displayed in all her endeavors inspired fans to achieve set their own high expectations and reach toward unfathomable new heights.
Identify Your Strengths
Roberto Duran
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When you know what your strong traits are, you can utilize them in business and in life. You will become more successful if you are able to channel your efforts into areas that you do best.
Role Model: Roberto Duran
“I am not an animal in my personal life. But in the ring there is an animal inside me. Sometimes it roars when the first bell rights. Sometimes it springs out later in a fight. But I can always feel it there, driving me and pushing me forward. It is what makes me win. It makes me enjoy fighting.”
In the world of boxing, fighters must be conscious of executing both victory in the ring and a performance that electrifies fans. Boxing veteran Roberto Duran accomplished both effortlessly. Duran’s rugged determination promised his opponents fierce physical battles, and guaranteed the audience a high energy, hard-hitting show.
Never Stop Learning
Jack Kerouac
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Business is an ever-changing field, so the successful business professional must continually learn, grow and adapt to the shifting trends and technologies within their chosen field. It’s when you stop learning that you may lose your competitive advantage.
Role Model: Jack Kerouac
“You’d be surprised how little I knew even up to yesterday.”
Through his travels and experiences, Jack Kerouac always kept an open mind and never stopped learning. This progressive and creative writer penned such immortal works as “On The Road” and “Dharma Bums” in his life-long quest for knowledge. He still inspires artists and literary fans of all ages with his thought provoking words and ideas.

CMG Worldwide
Mark Roesler
CMG Worldwide